Welcome to the digital edition of Ivan Margary's Roman Roads in Britain (1973).
This resource is an electronic version representing the text of Margary's book as published in 1973. In the more than four decades since its publication, new research, excavations, and remote sensing technologies (e.g. LiDAR), have advanced the state of our knowledge of Roman roads in Britain by leaps and bounds. These new discoveries and interpretations are not currently reflected in this edition.
Margary's text has been left virtually untouched, apart from correction of typographical errors, normalization of place names, and some minor modifications necesitated by the digitization process. It's also entirely likely that errors have inadvertently crept in. Note well that the maps depicted on this web site are merely interpretations of Margary's routes as described in his text and shown on his maps. Quite obviously, his maps were drawn at a significantly lower resolution than today's mapping technologies allow. Furthermore, not all of his descriptions were as detailed as required to plot the roads with a high degree of precision. So there will necessarily be varying measures of inexactitude in the routes shown.
If you would like a quick introduction to the operation of the site, please click on the Guide icon () in the sidebar on the left.
The Book — This button will return you to the most recently viewed section of Margary's text. | |
Table of Contents — This will open the Table of Contents, allowing you to navigate directly to any portion of the book. It is arranged in substantially the same fashion as the printed edition. | |
Search Text — Here you may search the contents of the book. Start to type and a list of suggested search terms will begin to appear. Use the mouse or up/down arrow keys to select your your desired search term, or just touch it if you are on a mobile device. The hit Enter (or the Go button). You are not restricted to the suggested terms. You may search on any term you like. | |
Search Map — This page permits you to do perform spatial searching by drawing shapes such as circles or rectangles, or by OS grid reference (e.g., NY 7705 6635). Results returned are sites from Heritage England's Pastscape database. | |
Guide — This button brings you to this page. | |
Contact — This page will tell you how to contact the site's editor. | |
Settings — This page will allow you to customize your viewing experience. Currently, there are no supported customizations. | |
Hiding the Sidebar — The sidebar may be temporarily collapsed to allow unobstructed viewing of the map. This may be achieved by clicking the left arrow in the top right portion of the sidebar panel, or by clicking the icon corresponding to the current page. For instance, you are currently viewing the Guide page, clicking the Guide page icon will collapse the sidebar. Click again to re-open the sidebar. The sidebar will automatically open again if you navigate to a new page. |
The map is much like the standard 'slippy' map you have used before. It may be moved about and zoomed in and out in the usual fashion.
Map Backgrounds: The map background layer by default will depict a 'Streets' map showing modern features and place names. The background may be changed by hovering over the layers icon (). Other available options are 'Terrain' (a shaded contour map devoid of any man-made features) or 'Satellite'.
Road Routes: If you are viewing a Road page, the 'current' Road will be displayed in red, while all other Roads will be colored blue. If you are not viewing a Road page (e.g., the Chapter 1 Introduction) there will be no 'current' Road, and all Road routes will be in blue. Clicking any Road's route will raise a small pop-up window giving information about the applicable Road. The window will also contain a link to take you directly to the page in Margary's text describing that Road.
Road Routes: If you are viewing a Road page, the 'current' Road will be displayed in red, while all other Roads will be colored blue. If you are not viewing a Road page (e.g., the Chapter 1 Introduction) there will be no 'current' Road, and all Road routes will be in blue. Clicking any Road's route will raise a small pop-up window giving information about the applicable Road. The window will also contain a link to take you directly to the page in Margary's text describing that Road.
Current Location: Clicking the 'Show my current location' icon () will re-center the map to your currently detected location, assuming your browser's security settings are approrpiately set, and, if your are on a mobile device, Location Services are enabled.
Places: Within Margary's text, many place references will be shown as under dotted links. Clicking on any of these links will re-center the map to the place's corresponding location and place a marker on the map. Clicking the place marker icon will raise a small pop-up window giving information about the applicable place or geographical feature. The window may contain links to external web resources giving more information about the place, which will be opened in a new browser window or tab.
Footnotes: Margary's footnotes have been preserved, and clicking the footnote numbers (e.g., 2) will scroll the page to the References list at the bottom of the page. Some footnotes may link you directly to the applicable reference, if known.
Search Margary's text by entering a search term below (e.g., Dere Street, agger, Antonine Itinerary, etc.).
Search the Map by drawing enclosing circles or rectangles. Or, alternately, enter an OS grid reference value.
Please contact the editor by sending email to editor at romanroadsinbritain dot org.
Corrections to the transcription of Margary's text as published, notifications of broken functionality, or suggestions for improvements to the useability of this web site will be gratefully received.